Food Glorious Food

Not much to say … I seldom go on organized tours . I prefer to read and walk and absorb . However, the one tour I always sign up for whenever I can is a private walking food tour. Food is culture and no better way to try and understand it but from the way people cook, prepare food and eat it . We’ve been on amazing food experiences in Thailand, Vietnam, Croatia and several in Italy.

So, I signed up for one in Greece .. it did not disappoint. No need for words . The pics explain it all. Almost all . Of course we started in my favorite place in any city ..the market

Then we ate …and cooked and ate and drank

The only pics that might be confusing is the incredible Greek coffee I had. They combine coffee and water and then slowly cook it in sand heated to 225 degrees and let it slowly heat. Not sure I’d be doing this at home but the coffee was great !

Despite all that I still managed to have a fantastic dinner outside with the Acropolis as my back drop ! Just a Greek salad …where do they get these tomatoes? So delicious


4 thoughts on “Food Glorious Food

  1. The pics of all of the seafood made me want to cook and eat. The coffee making process is amazing. Who thought of heating sand to make coffee? The pictures of the sand reminded me of cinnamon and sugar. I love the pics!


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