Venice. Part 1

I know it’s drowning in tourists.

I know that it’s expensive

I know that few Venetians live here as they were forced out by tourist hordes

I get all that and yet it’s still a place I find myself coming back to again and again. I first came to Venice 25+ years ago for work. I still remember flying in and taking a water taxi directly to my hotel. What a way to enter a city . In a private boat crossing the lagoon and seeing the city revealed in front of you.

It’s crazy expensive but still my favorite way to enter the city. Every time I come I’m always intrigued by the small canals that go nowhere and the mysterious alleyways that seem foreboding or exciting. Whenever, I come I always find myself flashing images of “Don’t Look Now” a movie set in Venice that will mesmerize you and scare the hell out of you.

I never have an agenda when I come here other than to walk. Walk down alleyways, and dead end passages, past cosy cafes and hidden churches . Today I walked almost 8 miles but it seemed like 1 as there is so much to see here.

Some places lose their appeal after one or two visits but not Venice and not to me . I’ve been here more than 10 times and hope I make it at least another 10.

2 thoughts on “Venice. Part 1

  1. Hey there–I enjoy hearing this as I did not find it so captivating. Seems my friends either love it like you, or can do without, and couldn’t figure out what to do after a day and a half. So keep it coming, I know you’ll have a blast!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Amazing photos. Thanks for sharing and more importantly thanks for the commentary. I love reading about your travels. Be well and be safe.


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