Who I am

I guess as you get older you care more about where you’re from . I knew my moms family came from Norway and I even met several of our relatives on a trip a long time ago.

This time I tracked down the place where my grandfather was born and the grave of my great grandfather and grandmother. I don’t know much about my great grandfather but I do know he was very stern and restrained. He was a Lutheran pastor and he died when my grandfather was a young boy. After his death my grandfather sailed to the US by himself to join his brothers who left years before. I didn’t know my great grandfather but it’s perhaps telling his tombstone is the tallest in the churchyard . I think my grandfather was a strong man. here we are a long way from Royken

The parsonage. My Grandfather was born in the room on first floor on the right
The church where my Great Grandfather was the pastor


Back in the late seventies I met a girl from Australia named Penny. We decided to hitch hike from Germany to family in Norway We arrived in Norway and ended up sleeping the park in front of the Royal Palace until about 5 am when the local police rousted us.

We decided to hitch a ride to Drammen and from there to Honefoss. Where my relatives lived. About 1 mile outside of Oslo we were picked up by a medical student heading south to his family summer house. His name was Vegard. Though I have no idea where Penny is today Vegard and his former wife Unni and his family have let me become part of their family. Line became my goddaughter and watching her grow into a beautiful , smart, accomplished woman is one of the joys of my life. They are far more important to me than I to them but they never let me feel that way and always welcome me with open arms when I get there. Thanks to Covid I haven’t seen them in awhile and hadn’t gotten the chance to meet my great granddaughter. We remedied that this summer . I love everyone of them !

A Big Apology

So a big apology

I sort of stopped my blog mid trip in June. I got some weird respiratory infection in Ireland and never caught up. Now, here I am ready to head out for 6 weeks and I still haven’t shared Norway , Ireland , the UK and Cyprus…oh and Alaska

I decided just to do a quick recap of each with one or two highlights pulled out so I can get caught up to share my solo trip to Istanbul and the Cyprus. It’s been a long time since I’ve truly traveled solo and I’m a bit apprehensive. Ive literally traveled all over the world by myself but the last 8 years I’ve mostly traveled with my sidekick and husband ( though he would argue I’m the sidekick) so it’s going to be a big change but for just a short time .

The trip to Norway, Ireland, Uk and Cyprus was all about family. People I love who because of Covid I haven’t seen in a few years. It was just what I needed

Anyhow , catch up on what I did last summer and get ready for the next adventure.

I take the spirit of my dad wherever I go