A small bus a long drive ..Cinque Terre

We normally don’t take shore excursions when on a cruise. We find them crowded , usually too brief and feel like we’re part of a herd

However, on Sunday we docked in Livorno and having been there before I really couldn’t think of much to see or areas I wanted to saunter through. John and I are big saunterers. We average between 8 and 10 miles a day on vacations so we took the plunge and took a day excursion to Cinque Terre billed as “ On your Own “.

To be fair once we got there it was on your own . However, getting there was definitely unpleasant.

It involved a small bus built for school children, a driver who wasn’t sure where we were going and a very chatty guide ! He was quick to share his feelings on everything from marble to a 20 minute lecture on why gas station coffee in Italy is doing good.

However, once we arrived and spent hours walking through two of the five villages and eating really amazing lunches, as always the drive was worth it…we’ll sort of . Though I do have to ask who sends a child’s school bus for adults. Several of our large bottomed guests really struggled to fit. Luckily that’s one issue I don’t have lol

The day was beautiful and the villages who have really suffered without mass tourism seemed very welcoming. Mass tourism is such a blessing and a curse . We will discuss that next time. I need to go for a swim ! Lol

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