

The first home I bought in the UK was in the small market town of Wallingford. Located just outside of Oxford it sits right on the river Thames . It is quintessential English market town. Maybe next year we will come stay here for a few months. It was Market day “Easy Peelers”

One thought on “Wallingford

  1. I remember your house in Wallngford. I remember being there with Peter and James when they were toddlers and staying upstairs. I remember a very scary stairway that I had to make sure Peter and James never attempted without 1 of us. But what really stands out is that Dad was there too. I think that was the year you took him to Normandy and he waited for me to come to Wallingford so he could accompany his grandsons and me home on the plane to CA. I remember walking with him to a nearby lake and seeing swans, going to the market you describe above and taking a double decker bus to I think Oxford and wandering around. Of course, the kids were there during all the travels. I think James was still in a stroller. Wonderful memories. Wallingford will always make me think of that time. Thanks for reminding me.


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