Flight 1

The weather was turning and I really wanted to get a birds eye view of the Southern Alps so when I drove by Haast Helicopters I jumped at chance. Turns out I managed the second helihike option too but you never know when the weather will shift here. Anyhow here are the pics and then next week I’ll wrap up my kiwi adventure .Took two helicopter flights.

Flight one a quick nip into inaccessible curry valley to check out the wild chamois. Released in early 1900s for sport they have thrived in the high mountain areas of the south Alps

The valley is only accessible via helicopter and if you want to go camping here the helicopters will drop you off and pick you up a week later. We swept into the valley landed and saw 30-40 chamois and some amazing waterfalls

It was just myself and Scott the pilot so I got a bonus of a quick swoop over the Tasman sea coast as well. It totally whetted my appetite for flight two The glacier helihike

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