Mt Cook 

No one just rides the bus 🚌 One thing I love here is the way they really push your activity level. If you book a trip on the glacial lake exploration boat you also end up taking a nice mile long walk to get there. If they take you stargazing they walk you through the forest in the night to acclimate you to the darkness. It’s not about getting as many people through the activity but about getting you through it in context. I love it. though I’m not sure the 83 year old woman and her daughter who were the only other people on the glacial lake trip were so crazy about the mile walk each way but hey they made it lol . The grey thing that looks like a dirty wall in the pictures is actually the face of the Tasman Glacier the longest Glacier in NZ. In the past 18 years it’s retreated faster than it has in the last 200 but hey I’m sure Trump is right about global warming. 

The stargazers trip was also incredible . All bundled up they took us out into the middle of nowhere and set up huge telescopes to view the skies. I looked at Saturn and it actually looked like Saturn in a book. All the rings were there lol. We tracked constellations and saw numerous shooting stars . It was an awesome evening in Mt Cook 

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