The Land of the Long White Cloud ..Aotearoa

That’s the Maori name for New Zealand and somehow more appropriate.

Two months ago I set off on my journey to NZ. I traveled by ship and car and helicopter and train and now plane. I put 2000 miles on my rental Toyota and went from the north of north island to the south of the South Island.

I saw amazing scenery , hiked a lot , met fantastic people and generally fell in love with this country. I’ve never been to a place that embraces the outdoors in such a huge way. It doesn’t matter how fit you are or mobile it just wants you out in it. I attached a few pics of my favorite places but really everywhere was my favorite

Everywhere I went seemed more beautiful than where I was before and finally I gave up trying to take pictures and just tried to absorb it all.

It’s a country of diverse landscape and people. Perhaps the most welcoming place I’ve ever been.

There’s something about the air or people or land that makes you want to turn the tv off and disconnect and get outside. I’ve never met people that love the outdoors more and they want you to like it too.

I was here for 5 weeks but it wasn’t enough. I want to come back again and again and bring friends and family with me to share this incredible place

To all of you who followed the blog or at least dipped into it I appreciate your patience and support. I hope it wasn’t too boring or annoying. I hope next time you think about a dream vacation you’ll think about NZ. I’ll be back you should meet me here ! 🤓

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Doesn’t everyone take a shower at 28000 feet while sipping Dom Pérignon?

I’ve never taken a bath or shower while sipping 300 dollar a bottle Dom Pérignon Champagne until last night when I did it on a plane at 28000 feet while on my short Emirates flight from Christchurch to Sydney…. don’t worry there are no pics ! . I also have to say that while it apparently isn’t going to be a big commercial success the A380 is an amazing plane . Quiet and Comfortable and unbelievably smooth. It was only 3 hours but I was pampered , wined and dined and treated like royalty. Seated in my private suite with closing doors to keep the paparazzi out I reclined in splendor…for 3 hours😇

The crew was amazing and so friendly. They went out of their way to make sure I enjoyed the whole experience….flying coach on American in the center seat will never be the same …but I’ll remember singing in the flying shower , drinking champagne and smiling uncontrollably for the rest of my life 😂 Remember living well is the best revenge !

Walking on Water

Franz Josef Glacier

Was both excited and a bit sad as I climbed in the helicopter for my helihike on the Franz Josef Glacier. Excited because I had wanted to do this for years but sad because this would be the last big adventure in NZ

Was really lucky. 70 % of the time the weather in Franz Josef doesn’t allow these trips to go . At first it seemed like I wouldn’t get to go . Suddenly the clouds parted and they loaded us into the helicopter and took off.

Was really thrilling to zoom up these huge mountains flying right over the glacier and landing at the very top.

I was wearing shorts but it didn’t stop me from getting out and doing the 30 minute walk to check out the ice river. Really one of the most thrilling adventures yet on this trip What a great finish to an amazing journey to NZ

Flight 1

The weather was turning and I really wanted to get a birds eye view of the Southern Alps so when I drove by Haast Helicopters I jumped at chance. Turns out I managed the second helihike option too but you never know when the weather will shift here. Anyhow here are the pics and then next week I’ll wrap up my kiwi adventure .Took two helicopter flights.

Flight one a quick nip into inaccessible curry valley to check out the wild chamois. Released in early 1900s for sport they have thrived in the high mountain areas of the south Alps

The valley is only accessible via helicopter and if you want to go camping here the helicopters will drop you off and pick you up a week later. We swept into the valley landed and saw 30-40 chamois and some amazing waterfalls

It was just myself and Scott the pilot so I got a bonus of a quick swoop over the Tasman sea coast as well. It totally whetted my appetite for flight two The glacier helihike

Trains …

You all know by now that I love trains and cable cars and funiculars so you know when I heard about the Tranzalpine Express from the lush West Coast of NZ across the Southern Alps and then down to Christchurch on the east coast I would be on that train !

It’s listed as one of the most scenic rail journeys in the world and while the pictures don’t do it justice you’ll get the idea. Cooly, they have an open car without any windows that allows you to take some great shots without glass in the way though it’s a bit brisk lol

I was a bit sad when I got to NZ trip is almost over. One last post to come. My helicopter hikes onto Franz Josef glacier and the Curry Valley. Then off to Australia

Christchurch Again

When the earthquake in 2011 devastated the center part of Christchurch one of the first things people did was try to keep the downtown core alive. Hence the cargo container village that was thrown up quickly in the heart of downtown. Numerous cargo containers were brought in and converted to stores , restaurants and even banks. Now it’s a fun place to grab a lunch or a souvenir and it shows no sign of disappearing even as the city is rebuilt. People are so resilient

It’s my last full day in NZ for awhile though I know I’ll be back. Something here really struck a chord with me and I need more time to explore it. So today I’m just walking through Christchurch and the botanical gardens and enjoying the last day of pure New Zealand I still have a few more NZ posts especially of my glacier helicopter hike so don’t think you can stop reading now lol

Dinosaurs in Wanaka

My fishing guide turned me on to Wanaka. Apparently it’s what QT was before all the tourists and outdoor enthusiasts arrived and drove prices up. Well, I still like the buzz of QT but this is a nice place and definitely a place to check out when I return. Hard to beat the location. Situated on the road to the West Coast a good place to hang out a few days Besides they have that cool dinosaur playground which reminds me of mission valley circa 1960.

Cruise a walk and Champagne

Tea or Coffee or Champagne

I arrived a bit early in TeAnau and took a walk along the lakefront.

Lake Te Anau is the second largest lake in New Zealand and of course is gorgeous lol

I cane across this old steamer/sail boat just as it was ready to set sail on a trip across the lake so I jumped on. The Diana was built in the UK in the 30s and supposedly Winston Churchill cruises on her several times . She had a role in helping sailors evacuate from Dunkirk but eventually made her way to New York and then to the South Pacific. Her current owners found her in Fiji and brought her here via the Pacific and then on a big truck to her home here on Lake Te Anau.

I love the mix of informal and formal here. Everyone wears shirts and outdoor gear except when they don’t. On the Diana they wear uniforms and serve high tea ! Beautiful sunny day across the lake and short walk through the beech forests then back on board for afternoon tea or champagne and then home.

Excellent afternoon

Wait isn’t that Brad Pitt fly fishing? 

I’m not really a very dedicated fisherman. I used to go a lot when I was younger but in last years I never really had much focus on it and to honest living in San Francisco Philadelphia and London over the past 25 years hadn’t made it easier. Now that I’m living in NC I’m starting to get back into it and I’m especially interested in honing my fly fishing skills.  On last few vacations I’ve gone but it’s such a science so I hired a day long guide Matt and off we went 

The water here is crystal clear so you can actually choose the fish your after After about an hour I seemed to have mastered the cast but I struggled with setting the hook. Had several strikes in the am but they seemed to spit out my hook with ease . Things slowed down in the afternoon and even Matt couldn’t get one. However it didn’t really matter as it was beautiful and tranquil the day was great despite coming home empty handed. Someone asked me if the guide had caught a fish would I have taken a picture like I had caught it …..of course ! 

Last day in QT. I really loved it here. Time to move on Franz Josef here I come 

Doubtful Sound 

Not much to say. When I think of the places that really astounded me I think of western Norway, Torres Del Paine in Chile, Angkor Wat in Cambodia and Easter Island. Now I add Doubtful Sound to that list.   Enjoy the pictures and know it’s even more astounding in person . You have to add this to your bucket list. I’m coming again so let’s all head there together cause sharing it with friends even more amazing