A waterfall , jet boat and 11 dairy farmers from Oregon 

A massive waterfall and a jet boat..a perfect combination. Bizarrely, next to the jet boat port was Prawn World . Prawn World is a place dedicated to farm raised Shrimp Cocktail !! Well, I love shrimp cocktail so when I think of prawns I think of shrimp cocktail . Anyhow back to the adventure. Americans were well represented on the boat. Just as I was ready to jump on a mini bus pulled up with 11 dairy farmers from Oregon. Apparently they were on a 5 day fact finding mission to observe dairy farms in NZ at our government expense. Hey, I like dairy and let’s be honest if someone told you that they would pay for you to go to NZ to learn about dairy of course you’d go . Not sure what the jet boat had to do with dairy..  
Anyhow , jet boat was awesome, the Falls majestic and the prawns tasty ! 

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