My Dad 

As we head through the canal I’m thinking of my grandad today but also my father. My dad loved adventure. He always put family first so other than the occasional fishing trip he didn’t get out much. When my folks had vacation it was always a family affair and usually my mom and dad made it educational . My dad was famous for long drives expounding on various geological features. My sister and I knew all about rocks and strata and seismic plates from an early age from long family vacations and my dads running educational monologue. Sometimes I hear myself sounding just like my dad ..ask John lol. If my pop did get a chance to do something daring or exciting he embraced but seldom planned it for himself I remember taking him on safari to Africa two years before we lost him. He loved that trip I’ve never seen him happier than sitting in the land rover with his silly fishing hat ready to go He was raised on a tenant farm in New Mexico to very poor parents and never thought he would see anything. I think that was something I always loved about him.. he never lost his enthusiasm for new things or experiences. He never dreamed he would get to experience much so when he did it always meant something to him. Whether it was flying in first class for the first time or tenth time or chasing cheetahs in Botswana or watching His kids catch their first fish he never lost his enthusiasm for life and for small and big experiences that shape it. Even in the end he was optimistic and wondering about tomorrow. I hope we get to have more adventures somewhere …. 

I thought about my pop a lot today 

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2 thoughts on “My Dad 

  1. Another adventure he had that he never thought he’d have was seeing the pyramids in Egypt. I remember when he and mom came back to Cyprus after that trip he told me, “Never thought I’d see the pyramids. Pretty good for a small town girl from Northern California and a farm boy from New Mexico.”

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