A bit about Bernhard S 

Thought I would share some details of the ship with you all ….although no one seems to know who Bernhard S was !Length 261.1 meters (around 858 feet) 

Width. 32.25 meters (106 ft approximately) 

Not to tempt fate but roughly the size of the Titanic..luckily we don’t expect any icebergs  

4256 double containers can be transported 

We sail with 19 crew and room for 8 passengers course this trip just one passenger. ME

We consume about 160 tons per day of fuel 

Out fuel tank had 6500 tons capacity and we fill up primarily in the US as prices are lower

50k horsepower 

We actually make out own water. Using sea water we have an on board evaporator that is sampled for purity regularly 

Currently we are carrying 335 tons of water but can carry up to 430 tons when full of water and we make it from salt water

Questions? Lol 

2 thoughts on “A bit about Bernhard S 

  1. When she was 18 or 19, my grandmother rode by herself on a train to Panama. She had an uncle that was working on the project. We always thought it odd that a girl in the late 1800s/early 1900s would travel to Panama alone. Was she pregnant? She never told us she was although she did talk about going to Panama. Might have been to be company for her uncle’s wife.


    • That’s amazing. I wish she had written a journal. What an adventure especially as they were building the canal. Have you read the Path Between Two Seas ? It will give you a real context to what she experienced really glad you shared that !!!


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